We perform in-house repairs at three separate locations where compressors are rebuilt to factory specifications and come with a 2-year limited warranty for all major OEMs.
Compressor Rebuild Services
IR Pros services compressors and performs turnkey rebuilds nationwide.
IR Pros provides critical programs to ensure longevity of compressors including:
Vibration Analysis
Historical trending and Analysis allows for predictive maintenance to eliminate unexpected failures and assist with maintenance planning & budgeting.
Oil Analysis
Interpretation and analysis is provided to identify issues long before catastrophic failure of compressors.
Alignment Services
Alignment by experienced technicians and proper start up reporting are critical to ensure proper performance and eliminating warranty issues.
All performed by an experienced team of nationwide technicians.
Field Services & Support
Our compressor services division works hand in hand with our service department to facilitate:
- Pump down of your system
- Compressor removal
- Compressor prep & ship
- Compressor re-install
- Validate safety settings
- Take baseline vibration readings
- Take baseline oil readings
- Early failure detection
- Startup & commissioning
Every rebuild includes the following:
- Disassembly and inspection
- Teardown report
- Excessive damage report
- Repair recommendations
- Thorough cleaning of all parts
- Replacement with OEM parts of specified rebuild components
- Balance rotors
- Re-assemble in climate-controlled room
- Confirm bearing end play clearances
- Test slide valve operations
- Perform static-pressure leak test
- Paint and prep for shipping
We maintain an inventory of remanufactured compressors
and maintain strong relationships with compressor OEMs to access
their inventory of new and remanufactured compressors.
This allows for immediate shipment of remanufactured units
when emergency situations occur.
Major OEM’s we service